The Weight of the Soul: Does Human Body Weight Decrease at Death?

The Weight of the Soul:

Picture this: it’s the early 1900s, and there’s this doctor, Duncan MacDougall, who had a rather peculiar hobby – weighing the human soul. Yes, you read that right. He had this theory that the soul has mass, and he tried to prove it by measuring the weight of a person at the moment of death. Sounds like something … Read more

The Language of Flowers


Ah, flowers! They’re not just a feast for the eyes, but they’re also chatterboxes in their own right. Who would’ve thought, right? Each bloom, with its unique color and fragrance, is actually whispering secrets in a language older than words. It’s like they’re the original emojis, each carrying a message that transcends words. Now, let’s dive into the … Read more

Old Books and New Beginnings


Old books are like wise old friends, aren’t they? Each crease in their spine tells a story, and their yellowed pages carry the musky scent of memories. They hold tales that have lulled generations to sleep, and yet, here they are, resting unassumingly on dusty shelves, waiting for new eyes to rediscover their magic. But let’s be real … Read more

Just as Pearls, Born from Pain, Become Gems


In the depths of the ocean, in an oyster’s silent world, a grain of sand intrudes. It’s an uninvited guest, an irritant, a tiny fragment of the vastness above. And yet, from this annoyance, something extraordinary is born: a pearl. It’s a curious thing, how discomfort can give rise to beauty, how pain can beget perfection. This transformative … Read more

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow


Yesterday is a nostalgic melody, playing softly in the back of our minds. It’s like an old, dog-eared photo album, each memory a sepia-toned snapshot of laughter, tears, triumphs, and trials. Think of it as a seasoned teacher, with lessons etched deep in its wise wrinkles. We often stroll down this memory lane, reveling in the bittersweet symphony … Read more

Sleepless Again Tonight in the Longing After Letting You Go


In the quiet of the night, where the world seems to stand still, there’s a certain kind of loneliness that creeps in. It’s the kind that you don’t just feel in your bones but in the very air you breathe. It’s in these small hours of the night, in the eerie silence of my room, that your memory … Read more

Striving Today for an Ordinary Tomorrow


In the whirlwind of today’s fast-paced world, where every tweet, every breaking news alert seems to herald a new era, the idea of striving for an ‘ordinary’ tomorrow might sound as enticing as a cup of lukewarm coffee. But, hear me out, because sometimes, in the quest for extraordinary, we forget the charm and necessity of the mundane, … Read more

The Fragrant Tale of Flowers Conveyed by the Flutter of Butterfly Wings


In the grand tapestry of nature, few scenes are as enchanting as the delicate dance between flowers and butterflies. It’s a ballet of beauty, a fragrant tale conveyed through the flutter of wings and the bloom of petals. This symbiotic waltz is not just a feast for the eyes but a profound narrative about the interconnectedness of life. … Read more

Lazy Weekend Brunch: Reveling in the Simple Joy of a Late Morning


Ah, the lazy weekend brunch – that delightful ritual where time slows down and the simple joys of life take center stage. There’s something almost magical about waking up late on a weekend, with the sun already high in the sky, casting gentle, warm glimmers through your window. It’s the universe’s way of nudging you, whispering, “Hey, it’s … Read more

Love, Wounds, and Longing


In the grand opera of life, few themes resonate as deeply as love, the wounds it can inflict, and the longing it leaves in its wake. This trinity of emotions weaves through our lives like a bittersweet symphony, playing a melody that touches every soul in its own unique way. Love, in its purest form, is a beacon … Read more